
Brush Bays

Brush Bays are slots for brushes. A brush that is loaded into a bay, then can be used to draw with. Bays have settings similar to that of a brush preset (size, opacity, flow, hardness). These can be used to modify brush on the go; these will not modify the preset in Brush Library.
You can capture bay as a brush preset Edit->Brush preset from bay.
Select bays by clicking, or by using 1, 2, ... 8 keys

Size - there are 3 ways available for changing brush size:
1) Use the size slider on the top panel. Also can use fine tune buttons in the size field.
2) Quick Menu - hold Q key and move cursor to the right to increase size, and to the left to decrease.
3) Keyboard [ ] keys

Zoom Size feature changes brush size automatically when you zoom. Brush cursor size will look same in view but will change in relation to canvas.

Size Link - allows to link sizes of multiple bays/brushes together. Brush sizes of linked bays will stay in set % proportions. You can change one brush's size and the other will update accordingly.
1. Go to / select bay that you want to link
2. Choose target bay from drop-down in size link.
3. Set size % value, that you want currently selected bay to have, in relation to target bay.
4. Activate link by checking the checkbox.
You can link multiple bays to the same target bay,
e.g. bay2-bay1, bay3-bay1 etc.

note: chaining bays is not a feature. e.g. bay1-bay2-bay3. Can do one-one and many-one.

Keep Color allows to preserve and use color in bay.
Pick color, then check 'keep color' option, and this color will be stored in current bay.
Returning to this bay will switch color to the one stored in it.
As long as the 'keep color' option is active, every newly picked color will be stored.

One Brush option allows to use the same brush bay across: Brush Tool, Eraser Tool, and Spree modes for each. Alternatively when this option is off - you can choose a separate brush bay for each of the mentioned above.

Spree mode - each bay can be chosen in relation to the spree mode 'draw' / 'erase'. To choose separate bays for each mode for the tool:
Select the tool, e.g. Brush Tool and turn OFF the One Brush option.
Now you can set bay for spree mode 'draw' by clicking on brush bay lower portion (where the brush icon is shown) and a white outline should appear around the icon, indicating that the bay is chosen for drawing.

To set bay (any bay, doesn't have to be the same one) for spree mode 'erase' click on upper portion that looks like a big dash above a brush icon. It should turn black, indicating that this bay will now be used for spree erasing.

Stamp Mode allows to draw with area sampled from the canvas. To sample area - align brush cursor with the area and press O key. This will put area under the brush into bay and activate stamp mode. Sampled area couples with the brush, and you can draw with it.
note: since the stamp resides in a bay, you can load different brushes, from Brush Library, into that same bay and the stamp will use the new brush.